Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Week 1, Day 4
Objective: Revising, Editing, and Proofreading, Cursive Writing

  1. Bell Work: 
    1. Your bell work today will be written down (IN PEN!), in your spiral.  If you do not have your spiral yet, borrow a piece of paper and you will have to transfer the prompt into your spiral to be graded.
    2. Please put the date in the margin.
    3. Use complete sentences with correct punctuation and grammar.
    4. All writing in here is considered FORMAL.
      1. No contractions.
      2. No slang.
      3. Avoid passive voice. (If you add "by zombies" or "with zombies" and it makes sense...that is passive voice!  Change it!)
  2. Bell Work: What do you want to be when you grow up?  Why?  What steps will you have to take to make sure you get there?
  3. Grade your DRE
  4. Turn in your DRE
  5. Give Mrs. Avalos your Syllabus Signature Page, if you have it.  If not, bring it back on Monday.  
  6. Cursive Assignment (due Monday!)
    1. Pick ONE of the two choices below to write in cursive.  
      1. Choice ONE: Eight times table
        1. 8 x 1=8 would be written as "eight times one equals eight"
        2. Go from 8x1 all the way through 8x12
      2. Choice TWO: Sentence
        1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
        2. Write it twelve times.  
    2. Please don't complain, it is really important for you to know how to write in cursive.  There is a portion on the SAT (and ACT, I believe) that has an honor statement that must be written in cursive.  Many of my students have told me that this part has taken them a long time because they haven't written in cursive in a long time (or ever!) 
    3. I have cursive charts, if you need one.
    4. This should be done on a separate sheet of paper, in blue or black INK!!!
    5. Heading goes at the top right of the paper with your name, date, and period.  
    6. 5.   Finish up everything that is on this week's blog.
      6.   If there is time, left you may add books to your Shelfari account, or play free rice.  
      7.   If you did not get your free rice account to work, please don't stress.  We had quite a few problems last year.  They are a non-profit organization and, therefore, have a very small technical support staff.  We will eventually get it taken care of!
  7. Reminders:
    1. Make sure you have filled out the Student Information Form from the first day (this will be a daily grade 100, 50, or 0).
    2. Please have your supplies by Monday.  If you have any trouble getting them, please let me know privately.
    3. No school tomorrow.
    4. Week 1 SAT Quiz is on Monday!
  8. Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!!!

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