Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 3, Day 1
Objective: understand word meaning through word parts analysis
Frame: We will increase our ability to find word meaning through word parts analysis.
Closing: I will identify at least 3 words that use the Week 2 and Week 3 stems.
  1. Bell Work: Bell Work: Get your spiral and get ready to do your 10 minute journal writing.  Remember the guidelines:
    1. Date EVERY entry
    2. Write
      1. For 10 minutes daily
      2. in ink (blue or black)
      3. legibly
      4. original words
    3. Journals are confidential (with 2 exceptions)
    4. Do NOT write anything incriminating (anything that can get you in trouble.)
  2. Interactive Vocabulary Notebook
    1. Week 2 Stems
      1. Ante-
      2. Anti-
      3. Bi-
      4. Circum-
      5. Com-
    2. Week 3 Stems
      1. Con-
      2. De-
      3. Dis-
      4. Equi-
      5. Extra-
  3. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. If you bought colored copy paper for your supplies, please bring it to me.

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