Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 24, Day 2
Objective: Demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period; Revise drafts to clarify meaning and achieve logical organization by adding transitional words and phrases; Write an interpretation of a literary text that identifies and analyzes the ambiguities, nuances, and complexities within the text and anticipates and responds to readers' questions or contradictory information; Reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension.  Using technology as a tool for classroom discussion. 

  1. Bell Work: Turn in your literary questions from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
  2. Grade SAT Quiz from Friday.
  3. Mark Twain author information (p. 564-568)
  4. Literary Terms
    1. Humor
    2. Rhetorical Techniques
    3. Incongruity
    4. Overstatement
  5. Vocabulary
    1. Transient
    2. Prodigious
    3. Eminence
    4. Garrulous
    5. Conjectured
    6. Monotonous
    7. Interminable
  6. Vocabulary and Lit. Terms Due Friday
  7. Show me your Vocab. and Lit. Terms from "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
  8. SAT Quiz on Friday, words will be up on Quizlet and Study Stack by the end of the day.

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