Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 7, Day 3
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama, relate the main ideas found in a literary work to primary source documents from its historical and cultural setting, relate the characters and text structure of mythic, traditional, and classical literature to 20th and 21st century American novels, plays, or films, analyze the way in which the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view or comment on the human condition.

  1. Bell Work: We are about to start a play in which the entire population of a town splits into two factions—the accusers and the accused—and in which the accused can escape punishment only if they name others guilty of the same crime.  What would you do if you were one of the accused? 
    1. In your spiral, at least 40 words, please underline every 10th word, and please use two SAT words.  
  2. Discuss Bell Work
  3. Finish American Lit. videos from yesterday
  4. SAT Corrections
  5. "Get out of Jail Free" passes
  6. "Leave Me Alone" pass
  7. Textbooks--Please let me know if you would like to check out a textbook.
  8. If time, Author Information: Arthur Miller (p. 1118-1121)

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