Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 4, Day 1
Objective: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Development

  1. Bell Work #8: 
    1. Define foreshadowing.  Give an example of foreshadowing from "The Monkey's Paw."
    2. Define mood.  How would you describe the mood of "The Monkey's Paw."  What text evidence supports your description of the mood? (Put the quote and the page number in your answer!)
    3. At least 40 words and underline every 10th word
  2. Week 4 DRE returned
    1. We will grade Week 3 and Week 4 on Friday.
  3. Change of plans...Week 3 SAT Quiz will be tomorrow!  An extra day to study...please study!
  4. Watch "The Monkey's Paw"
  5. Reminders:
    1. Operation Gratitude is due today by 4:00pm.
      1. You may do as many as you want.
      2. I'm thinking about offering extra credit.  (Hint, hint!)
      3. Follow the directions on the link and they must be in the correct letter format!  Google it!
    2. Week 3 SAT Quiz will be tomorrow...please STUDY and LEARN the words!  These quizzes are NOT going away.  
    3. I will not be in my morning classes tomorrow.  I am helping a teacher from another school.  Be good for the sub.

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