Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 18, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing.

  1. Week 18 SAT Quiz (on paper)
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Remember, all bell works this six weeks need to be 60 words.
  3. Read on your own (it needs to be either the English textbook, a book you're reading, etc.)
  4. While reading, find examples of the Smiley Face tricks we talked about yesterday. 
    1. You must find at least 5 examples of the Smiley Face Tricks.
    2. Write your examples down.
      1. What Smiley Face Trick is it an example of?
      2. Write the quote down, with the page number.
      3. What book/story is it from?
      4. Who is the author?
  5. We will discuss these examples on Monday.   
  6. Reminders:
    1. Finish your MOY by this afternoon. You may NOT work on it during class.  You need to be reading and finding examples of the Smiley Face Tricks! 
    2. Be good for the sub.

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