Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 3, Day 1
Objective: Begin Unit 1 Introduction; recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading.

  1. Bell Work: Why didn't the Native Americans write their stories down?  What did they do instead?  What were their stories about?
    1. Remember...40 words!
    2. At least 2 SAT words (from Week 2)
    3. Underline every 10th word.  Please and thank you!
  2. Week 2 SAT Quiz
  3. Week 3 DRE
  4. Week 3 SAT Words (will be on Quizlet and Study Stack by the end of the day)
    1. Abscond
    2. Bombastic
    3. Capricious
    4. Desiccate
    5. Elegy
    6. Fawn
    7. Garrulous
    8. Naive
    9. Paragon
    10. Venerate
  5. Create an account on
    1. Join Avalos English III.
    2. I will approve you joining.
    3. Put your username/password on your document.
  6. Create an account on
    1. Put your username/password on your document.
  7. Introduce Essential Questions
    1. What is the relationship between literature and place?
    2. How does literature shape or reflect society?
    3. What makes American literature American?
  8. Unit 1 Introduction Video (as a class)
  9. If time permits, read Snapshot of the Period, pages 2 and 3 of textbook.  

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