Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Week 3, Day 3
Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

  1. Bell Work: For the three stories you're about to read (or have already started), take your best guess at answering these three questions: What is the relationship between literature and place? How does literature shape or reflect society?  What makes American literature American??
    1. At least 40 words, underline every 10th word.
    2. Use at least 2 SAT words
  2. Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo background
    1. As a class, read page 19.
    2. Important Information:
      1. Think about the geography of where each of these tribes originated from as you read.
        1. Onondaga lived in what is now upstate New York. (maybe along the coast)
        2. Modoc lived in what is now southern Oregon and northern California. (mountainous)
        3. Navajo lived in what is now considered the southwest in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico. (some mountains, but a lot of desert)
  3. Listen to or read  "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
  4. Short Answer Questions over "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
    1. Make a copy of the document
    2. Open-Book
    3. Work with your partner/group (no more than 3 per group)
    4. You will have class time to work on it tomorrow.  
    5. If you need a hard copy of it, Mr. Galvan has them.
    6. Due Friday
    7. Turn it in here  
  5. I am working on getting you access to the textbook on-line.  It will probably be next week before it happens, but I am working on it.  Please be patient.
  6. Have a great day!!!

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