Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 6, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; evaluate how different literary elements (e.g., figurative language, point of view) shape the author's portrayal of the plot and setting in works of fiction; addresses the writing skills for an analytical essay, including references to and commentary on quotations from the text; analyzes the aesthetic effects of an author's use of stylistic devices.  

  1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #5
  2. SAT Quiz #5
  3. Work on Week 6 DRE
  4. Work on your Literary Terms from Wednesday, September 25 (see blog)
    1. Due on Wednesday
    2. We will NOT work on it in class after today.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 5, Day 5
Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

  1. Grade Week 5 DRE
  2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
  3. Free Read for the rest of class.  NO TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Remember...SAT Quiz on Monday!!!!
    Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Week 5, Day 4
    Objective: Graduation Plans. Literary Elements and Techniques of Fiction.

    1. No Bell Work
    2. Mrs. Monk (counselor) will be here to talk to you about your graduation plan and your transcripts.  
    3. If time allows, you may work on your Literary Terms that we began yesterday.
    4. Bring a book to class tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
    5. DRE is due tomorrow!!!!

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Week 5, Day 3
    Objective: Students use comprehension skills to analyze how texts work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts.  Evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different from traditional texts.  Evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.  Discuss influences that cause some books to be banned. Literary Elements and Techniques of Fiction.

    1. Bell Work:  What is your opinion of censorship (for books, TV, radio, etc.)? Why do you feel the way that you do?  Then...list at least five of the books you WOULD LIKE TO read that have been banned or challenged and at least five of the books you HAVE read that have been banned or challenged.
      1. (You will do this bell work on your own paper and transfer it into your spiral when you get it back.)
    2. Banned Book Information
    3. Literary Devices (Elements and Techniques) of Fiction
      1. Add these to your spreadsheet "Literary Terms"
      2. Literary Elements (5)
        1. Setting
        2. Mood
        3. Plot
        4. Flashback
        5. Foreshadowing
      3. Literary Techniques (11)
        1. Sensory Details
        2. Allusion
        3. Simile (Figurative Language)
        4. Metaphor (Figurative Language)
        5. Imagery (Figurative Language)
        6. Alliteration (Figurative Language)
        7. Personification (Figurative Language)
        8. Onomatopoeia (Figurative Language)
        9. Hyperbole (Figurative Language)
        10. Idiom (Figurative Language)
        11. Dialogue
      4. Other (17)
        1. Characterization
        2. Internal Character Development
        3. External Character Development
        4. Narrator
        5. Reliable Narrator
        6. Unreliable Narrator
        7. Point of View
        8. Omniscient/Third-Person Omniscient
        9. Omniscient/Third-Person Limited
        10. Objective
        11. First Person/Subjective
        12. Limited
        13. Theme
        14. Implicit Theme
        15. Explicit Theme
        16. Universal Theme
        17. Human Condition
      5. Plans for tomorrow

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Week 5, Day 2
    Objective: Students use comprehension skills to analyze how texts work together in various forms to impact meaning. Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly more complex texts.  Evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different from traditional texts.  Evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.  Discuss influences that cause some books to be banned.
    1. Turn your bell work spiral in on the chrome book cart. Please make sure your name is visible on the front cover!
    2. Bell Work:  This week is Banned Books Week.  Why do you think some books are banned?  Explain your reasoning.  (You will do this bell work on your own paper and transfer it into your spiral when you get it back.)
    3. Banned Book Videos
      1. Lauren Myracle Interview
      2. 100 Banned Books
      3. BLEEP
      4. Banned Books
      5. "Religious Nuts in Texas..."
      6. Katie Couric on Banned Books
    4. Banned Book Information
      1. Using the lists on the website, make a list of 5 books you'd like to read and 5 you've already read.  If you come up with more...that is okay!
    5. If time allows, look for videos on YouTube that are about Banned Book Week.  

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Week 5, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #4
    2. SAT Quiz #4
    3. Work on Week 5 DRE
    4. Banned Book Week!
      1. Videos
      2. Discussion
    5. Bell Work spirals will be due tomorrow!

    Friday, September 20, 2013

    Friday, September 20, 2013

    Week 4, Day 5
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

    1. Grade Week 4 DRE
    2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
    3. Free Read OR 
    4. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
      1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.  
      2. Sorry!!!!
      3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
      4. If you CAN get in my group, make sure you log-in and play in my group.  
    5. Free Write (maybe you like to may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
    6. Study for your SAT Week #4 Quiz on Monday (see the links at the top of this blog for Quizlet and Study Stack links)
    7. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1, 2, 3, AND 4 words will be on there!!!!)  STUDY!!!!! Study the words, learn the words, BE THE WORDS!  
    8. Have a GREAT weekend!!!!
      1. If you have a question, feel free to tweet me or Facebook message me. @AvalosEnglish
    Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

    The more you write the better writer you will become.
    The more you read the better reader you will become.

    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Week 4, Day 4
    Objective: Students create a Literary Period Timeline in order to demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period.  

    1. I'm with the Dual Credit History kids today. Be good for the sub! I'll be back around 5th period. 
    2. Bell Work Part 1: Use the two links to take these two surveys! Please take them seriously and do not talk to anyone about your answers. Please and thank you!
      1. Survey #1
      2. Survey #2
    3. Bell Work Part 2: Write about which literary time period (from this week...there are 11) you find the most interesting and why? What stories/books did you find in your research that you look forward to reading or would like to read? Remember, it needs to be at least 40 words long and use at least 2 SAT words!
    4. Fill in any holes on your American Literature Timeline that we didn't get to yesterday. 
      1. Use this document to guide you.
      2. Also, if you see items that are incorrect...let me know, so that I can correct them.  I have not proofread this document in its entirety for inaccuracies.  
    5. Study for your SAT Quiz on Monday!  Learn the words! Be the words!
    6. Reminders:
      1. DRE Week 4 is due TOMORROW!
      2. SAT Quiz Week #4 on Monday.
      3. Bell Work spiral will be due next week.
      4. Tomorrow: I will not be here.  Be good for the sub! Check my blog!!

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Week 4, Day 3
    Objective: Students create a Literary Period Timeline in order to demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period.  

    1. Bell Work: Use the two links to vote for class officers and prom theme.  When finished you may work on your American Literature Time Period Research
      1. Junior Class Officers
      2. 2014 Prom Theme
    2. American Literature Time Period Research (only about 5-8 minutes)
    3. Present your American Literary Time Period to the class
      1. Native American Literature
      2. Puritan/Colonial Literature
      3. American Revolution Literature
      4. American Romanticism Literature
      5. American Gothic Literature
      6. Transcendentalism Literature
      7. American Realism Literature
      8. American Naturalism Literature
      9. American Modernism Literature
      10. Harlem Renaissance Literature
      11. American Contemporary Literature
    4. As each group presents their information, record it in the appropriate section of your document from yesterday...but ONLY in the LEFT column.  We will use the right column later.  
    5. Study for your SAT Quiz on Monday
    6. Reminders:
      1. DRE Week 4 is due Friday.
      2. SAT Quiz Week #4 on Monday.
      3. Bell Work spiral will be due next week.
      4. Tomorrow: I will be gone the first half of the day because I am going on the Dual Credit U.S.  Be good for the sub!  Check my blog!
      5. Friday: I will not be here.  Be good for the sub! Check my blog!!

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    Week 4, Day 2
    Objective: Students create a Literary Period Timeline in order to demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period.  

    1. Bell Work: What is the importance of understanding the historical context of what we read?
    2. Discuss bell work
    3. American Literature Word Sort (as a group)--wait for directions
    4. American Literature Time Period Research
      1. Research Time Period
      2. Make a copy of American Literature Timeline
      3. It may be smart for one person in each group to make a copy and then share with your group.  
      4. Record your research there, but only in the LEFT column.  We will use the right column later.  
      5. We will come together tomorrow and present what you find
      6. Information that you may want to consider: dates of the time period, characteristics of the literature from that time period, noteworthy authors of the time period, major works of the time period, important historical events of the time period, etc.

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    Monday, September 14, 2013

    Week 4, Day 1
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing

    1. Bell Work: clear off your desk and get ready for your SAT Week #3
    2. SAT Quiz #3
    3. Work on Week 4 DRE
    4. Finish working on the Short Answer questions for the three stories--you worked on in groups last week (Due TODAY by 4:00pm!)
      1. Turn it in here  
    5. You may study the Week 4 SAT Words

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Week 3, Day 5
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

    1. Grade Week 3 DRE
    2. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
    3. Free Read--everyone MUST read for a minimum of 20 minutes.
    4. Please open up your Vocabulary for Stories document opened up.  I will come around to grade it and your Literary Terms.
    5. Then, you may continue free reading OR
      1. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
        1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
        2. Sorry!!!!
        3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
      2. Free Write (maybe you like to may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
      3. Study for your SAT Week #3 Quiz on Monday (see the links at the top of this blog for Quizlet and Study Stack links)
    6. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1, 2, AND 3 words will be on there!!!!)  STUDY!!!!!
    Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

    The more you write the better writer you will become.
    The more you read the better reader you will become.

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Week 3, Day 4
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

    1. Bell Work: fill out this form 
    2. PSAT Information
      1. Mrs. V will be here to talk about the PSAT that you will take on Wednesday, October 16
    3. Remind 101
      1. Text @66c05 to 210-714-1462 to receive English Update and Reminder Texts
    4. Folders in Google Docs
    5. Short Answer Questions over "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
      1. Make a copy of the document
      2. Open-Book
      3. Work with your group
      4. Due Friday
      5. Turn it in here  
    6. Finish working on Vocabulary and Literary Terms for these three stories (Due Friday!)
    7. Reminders: 
      1. Bring a book to read tomorrow.
      2. Week 3 DRE is due tomorrow.
      3. SAT Quiz on Monday.
      4. Junior Class Officer Forms are due to Ms. Chaplin TODAY.  If you still need Ms. Rollen's signature, go ahead and turn it in to Ms. Chaplin.  

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Week 3, Day 3
    Objective: understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding

    1. Bell Work: 12 years ago today, the worst terrorist attack on the United States took place. September 11th is now considered a National Day of Service.  What are some things that you can do today or plan to do today to show your patriotism, to exude service, and/or to honor/remember those who lost their lives 12 years ago?  If you can't think of anything, write about what September 11 means to you.  
    2. Onondaga, Modoc, and Navajo background
    3. Listen to  "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)
    4. Finish working on Vocabulary and Literary Terms for these three stories (Due Friday!)
    5. Study for SAT Quiz

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Week 3, Day 2
    Objective: Introduce Unit 1, understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding
    1. Bell Work: Recognizing when and where a story takes place helps you set expectations for reading.  Think of  a movie or television show you have seen recently.  What clues helped you understand the story’s setting?
      1. Remember...40 words!
      2. At least 2 SAT words (from Week 2)
    2. Introduce Essential Questions
      1. What is the relationship between literature and place?
      2. How does literature shape or reflect society?
      3. What makes American literature American?
    3. Unit 1 Introduction Video (as a class)
    4. Create a copy of this document 
      1. Please put YOUR NAME in front of the title "Vocabulary/Literary Terms."  For example: Chelsea Avalos Vocabulary/Literary Terms
    5. Vocabulary for Stories
      1. Look up the definition, part of speech, and sentence for each of the words.  They should be in the textbook between pages 20-28.
        1. Ancestors
        2. Depths
        3. Protruded
        4. Unconscious
    6. Literary Terms
      1. On the second tab of the document, type the word, definition, and an example of the literary terms found on page 18.  
        1. Origin Myths
        2. Themes
        3. Archetypes
    7. If time permits, listen to  "The Earth on Turtle's Back" (Onondaga), "When Grizzlies Walked Upright" (Modoc), from The Navajo Origin Legend (Navajo)  (pg. 20-28)

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Week 3, Day 1
    Objective: Begin Unit 1 Introduction; recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading.

    1. Bell Work: Why didn't the Native Americans write their stories down?  What did they do instead?  What were their stories about?
      1. Remember...40 words!
      2. At least 2 SAT words (from Week 2)
      3. Underline every 10th word.  Please and thank you!
    2. Week 2 SAT Quiz
    3. Week 3 DRE
    4. Week 3 SAT Words (will be on Quizlet and Study Stack by the end of the day)
      1. Abscond
      2. Bombastic
      3. Capricious
      4. Desiccate
      5. Elegy
      6. Fawn
      7. Garrulous
      8. Naive
      9. Paragon
      10. Venerate
    5. Create an account on
      1. Join Avalos English III.
      2. I will approve you joining.
      3. Put your username/password on your document.
    6. Create an account on
      1. Put your username/password on your document.
    7. Introduce Essential Questions
      1. What is the relationship between literature and place?
      2. How does literature shape or reflect society?
      3. What makes American literature American?
    8. Unit 1 Introduction Video (as a class)
    9. If time permits, read Snapshot of the Period, pages 2 and 3 of textbook.  

    Friday, September 6, 2013

    Friday, September 6, 2013

    Week 2, Day 5
    Objective: SWBAT write in a voice and style appropriate to audience and purpose, use technology for aspects of writing, vocabulary development, establish and adjust purpose for reading such as to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems, read silently with comprehension, read to be entertained, to appreciate a writer's craft, to be informed, to take action, and to discover models to use in his/her own writing

    1. Bell Work: Free Write...Write about anything that you want to write about.  (At least 40 words, underlining every 10th word, and include at least 2 of the current week's SAT words.)
    2. Grade DRE
    3. Unlocking Word Meaning (from yesterday)--about 10 minutes to finish this up with your partner/group.  Due Monday.
    4. Free Read (preferably not a textbook or magazine)
    5. Free Rice (make sure you are signed in and in my group)
      1. If you can't get into my group (haven't received the confirmation email) it is okay, I'm still working to resolve the issue.
      2. Sorry!!!!
      3. You can still play to gain knowledge and help others!!!! 
    6. Free Write (maybe you like to may do so, write a novel, a diary entry, song lyrics, a poem, whatever you are inspired to write.)
    7. Study for your SAT Week #2 Quiz on Monday (see the links at the top of this blog for Quizlet and Study Stack links)
    8. Reminders: 
      1. SAT Quiz on Monday!!!! (Week 1 and 2 words will be on there!!!!)  STUDY!!!!!
    Please note: Fridays are not a time to work on things for another class.  You need to be productive for English class.  Please stay on task.  This is NOT a free day.  This a chance for you to do what you enjoy the most with regards to this class: reading, writing, or vocabulary development.

    The more you write the better writer you will become.
    The more you read the better reader you will become.

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Week 2, Day 4
    Objective: Expand vocab through reading, listening, and discussing; rely on context to determine word meaning; and apply meanings of prefixes, roots, and suffixes in order to comprehend.  
    1. Bell Work: Communication plays a big part in life.  When someone has the option of speaking or writing, when does he or she choose the latter?  In complete sentences, write the circumstances or situations in which writing is preferable to speaking and why.  Write at least 40 words.  Use at least two of the 20 SAT words.  
    2. Open Strategies for Unlocking Word Meaning
    3. In another tab, open and make a copy of Strategies for Unlocking Word Meaning Worksheet
    4. Save a copy of 250 Stems and Roots to your HANDOUT section
    5. Work with a partner and complete the worksheet listed in #3.  
    6. When finished, turn it in here 
    7. Study your SAT Words
      1. Remember these tests are cumulative and will build up to no more than 50 per test.
      2. Study! Study! Study!   

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    Week 2, Day 3
    Objective: Introduce American Literature
    1. Bell Work: In your spiral...according to the videos yesterday...Write in COMPLETE sentences.  *Try* to use 2 SAT words (either from this week or last week.)  
      1. Who were the first American Literature authors?
      2. What are the two characteristics of Romanticism?
      3. What two things did Puritans write about?
      4. What is Realism?
      5. What influences American Literature?
    2. Discuss Bell Work
    3. Week 2 SAT words
    4. Get Out of Jail Free Cards
    5. Writing Assignment (You'll need 3 separate sheets of notebook paper...use PEN!!!!)
      1. Scenario: You are invited to a party over the long weekend.  Your parents told you that you could not go because they knew there would be drinking at this party.  You choose to lie to them about spending the night with a friend and go to the party anyway.  Just as you are about to leave, the party gets busted and you go to jail.  (Wait for directions here...)
        1. 12 minutes
        2. 5 minutes
        3. 10 minutes    

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Week 2, Day 2
    Objective: Introduce American Literature
    1. Bell Work: Write down everything that you know about American Literature.
    2. Discuss Bell Work
    3. SAT Quiz #1
    4. DREs
    5. View as a class and take notes:
      1. YouTube Video 1
      2. YouTube Video 2
    6. Discuss Videos
    7. Plans for the rest of the week...if I can get it working. Otherwise, we will work out something else. 
      1. Diagnostic Test and Beginning-of-Year Assessment Wednesday and Thursday