Monday, September 23, 2019

Should Juul pods and other E Cigarettes be banned?

Should Juul pods and other E Cigarettes be banned?

Although I do believe that Juul pods and other E Cigarettes should be banned, I believe that actual cigarettes should also be banned.  There are absolutely no health benefits to either cigarettes or E cigarettes.  These are simply my own opinions. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

2018 Spring Semester

For the 2017-2018 school year, I am no longer updating this blog.  Instead, I am using Google Classroom.  As a parent, if you would like to be added to Google Classroom as a guardian for your child, please email me at

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

You can always email me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 5, Day 3
Frame: We will read independently.
Closing: I will use a text to answer reading comprehension questions.
  1. Bell Work: What are the requirements for a story to be considered a "short story?"
  2. Listen to "Hearts and Hands"
  3. Finish Quiz over "Hearts and Hands"
  4. Study for Literary Terms Quiz on Friday
  5. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Be good for my sub.  

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 5, Day 2
Frame: We will read independently.
Closing: I will use a text to answer reading comprehension questions.
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Metaphors and Similes Worksheet for "The Most Dangerous Game"
  3. Read "Hearts and Hands"
  4. Quiz over "Hearts and Hands"
  5. Pass back graded papers
  6. Corrections on p. 82 from the textbook
  7. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Be good for my sub.  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week 5, Day 1
Frame: We will increase our ability to find word meaning through word parts analysis.
Closing: I will identify at least 3 words that use the Week 5 stems.
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Week 5 DRE-due on MONDAY, so I can be here to grade it with you!
  3. Grade pages 1-14 in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
  4. Work on Week 5 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
    1. p. 15-Non-not
    2. p. 16-Post-after
    3. p. 17-Pre-before
    4. p. 18-Semi-half
    5. p. 19-Sub-under
  5. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. Open House tonight from 5:30-7pm

Friday, September 8, 2017

Week 4, Day 5
Frame: We will use our HUGE brains and the textbook to answer questions over "The Most Dangerous Game."
Closing: I will find text evidence to PROVE all of my answers are correct for the Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game."
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game" with text evidence
  3. If you finish, you may
    1. Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
    2. Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
    3. Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
  4. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. No DRE this week.
    2. Literary Term Assignment-due TODAY!
    3. Scavenger Hunt-due TODAY!
    4. Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week 4, Day 4
Frame: We will use our HUGE brains and the textbook to answer questions over "The Most Dangerous Game."
Closing: I will find text evidence to PROVE all of my answers are correct for the Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game."
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game" with text evidence
  3. If you finish, you may
    1. Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
    2. Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
    3. Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
  4. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. No DRE this week.
    2. Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
    3. Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
    4. Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 4, Day 3
Frame: We will build our academic language by learning Literary Terms.
Closing: I will be able to identify examples of our literary terms in our short story, "The Most Dangerous Game."
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Vocabulary in Context, page 82 in textbook
  3. Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
    1. p. 10-Inter-between
    2. p. 11-Intra-within
    3. p. 12-Intro-into
    4. p. 13-Mal-bad
    5. p. 14-Mis-bad
  4. Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
  5. Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
  6. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. No DRE this week.
    2. Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
    3. Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
    4. Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 4, Day 2
Frame: We will increase our ability to find word meaning through word parts analysis.
Closing: I will identify at least 3 words that use the Week 4 stems.
  1. Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing.  Don't forget the guidelines.
  2. Vocabulary in Context, page 82 in textbook
  3. Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
    1. p. 10-Inter-between
    2. p. 11-Intra-within
    3. p. 12-Intro-into
    4. p. 13-Mal-bad
    5. p. 14-Mis-bad
  4. Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
  5. Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
  6. Reminders/Announcements:
    1. No DRE this week.
    2. Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
    3. Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
    4. Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday

Thursday, September 7, 2017