Week 5, Day 3
Frame: We will read independently.
Closing: I will use a text to answer reading comprehension questions.
- Bell Work: What are the requirements for a story to be considered a "short story?"
- Listen to "Hearts and Hands"
- Finish Quiz over "Hearts and Hands"
- Study for Literary Terms Quiz on Friday
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Be good for my sub.
Week 5, Day 2
Frame: We will read independently.
Closing: I will use a text to answer reading comprehension questions.
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Metaphors and Similes Worksheet for "The Most Dangerous Game"
- Read "Hearts and Hands"
- Quiz over "Hearts and Hands"
- Pass back graded papers
- Corrections on p. 82 from the textbook
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Be good for my sub.
Week 5, Day 1
Frame: We will increase our ability to find word meaning through word parts analysis.
Closing: I will identify at least 3 words that use the Week 5 stems.
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Week 5 DRE-due on MONDAY, so I can be here to grade it with you!
- Grade pages 1-14 in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- Work on Week 5 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- p. 15-Non-not
- p. 16-Post-after
- p. 17-Pre-before
- p. 18-Semi-half
- p. 19-Sub-under
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Open House tonight from 5:30-7pm
Week 4, Day 5
Frame: We will use our HUGE brains and the textbook to answer questions over "The Most Dangerous Game."
Closing: I will find text evidence to PROVE all of my answers are correct for the Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game."
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game" with text evidence
- If you finish, you may
- Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
- Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No DRE this week.
- Literary Term Assignment-due TODAY!
- Scavenger Hunt-due TODAY!
- Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday
Week 4, Day 4
Frame: We will use our HUGE brains and the textbook to answer questions over "The Most Dangerous Game."
Closing: I will find text evidence to PROVE all of my answers are correct for the Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game."
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Open-Book Test over "The Most Dangerous Game" with text evidence
- If you finish, you may
- Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
- Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No DRE this week.
- Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
- Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
- Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday
Week 4, Day 3
Frame: We will build our academic language by learning Literary Terms.
Closing: I will be able to identify examples of our literary terms in our short story, "The Most Dangerous Game."
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Vocabulary in Context, page 82 in textbook
- Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- p. 10-Inter-between
- p. 11-Intra-within
- p. 12-Intro-into
- p. 13-Mal-bad
- p. 14-Mis-bad
- Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
- Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No DRE this week.
- Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
- Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
- Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday
Week 4, Day 2
Frame: We will increase our ability to find word meaning through word parts analysis.Closing: I will identify at least 3 words that use the Week 4 stems.
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Vocabulary in Context, page 82 in textbook
- Work on Week 4 Stems in your Interactive Vocab. Notebook
- p. 10-Inter-between
- p. 11-Intra-within
- p. 12-Intro-into
- p. 13-Mal-bad
- p. 14-Mis-bad
- Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
- Work on/finish "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No DRE this week.
- Literary Term Assignment-due Friday
- Scavenger Hunt-due Friday
- Pages 1-14 in Interactive Vocab. Notebook-due Monday
No School-Labor Day Holiday
Week 3, Day 5
Objective: read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome
Frame: We will read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome.
Closing: I will explain how the setting affects the suspense of the story.
- Bell Work: 10-minute journal writing. Don't forget the guidelines.
- Grade W3 DRE
- Work on/finish Literary Term Assignment
- "The Most Dangerous Game" Scavenger Hunt
Week 3, Day 4
Objective: read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome
Frame: We will read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome.
Closing: I will explain how the setting affects the suspense of the story.
- Bell Work: In your spiral and in PEN answer the following question: Is it ever justified to kill another person? Why or why not?
- Discussion
- Literary Term Assignment
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Week 3 DRE due tomorrow.
Week 3, Day 3
Objective: read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome
Frame: We will read analytically to determine plot, character motivation, and predict outcome.
Closing: I will explain how the setting affects the suspense of the story.
- Bell Work: Bell Work: Get your spiral and get ready to do your 10 minute journal writing. Remember the guidelines:
- Date EVERY entry
- Write
- For 10 minutes daily
- in ink (blue or black)
- legibly
- original words
- Journals are confidential (with 2 exceptions)
- Do NOT write anything incriminating (anything that can get you in trouble.)
- Continue reading "The Most Dangerous Game".