Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 16, Day 3
Objective: study for semester exam, end of semester tasks

  1. Holiday Rant!!!!!
  2. ASVAB scores
  3. PSAT scores
  4. Week 15 corrections are due today.
  5. Exam Review

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 16, Day 2
Objective: study for semester exam, end of semester tasks

  1. Turn in your Bell Work Spiral
    1. Please make sure: 
      1. Every 10th word is underlined.
      2. There is a box around your SAT word.
      3. They are numbered and dated.
      4. You have written at the end how many you have out of 17.
  2. Exempt Students Announced...the list is locked.
  3. Pass back graded papers
  4. Week 15 corrections are due tomorrow
  5. Pass Buy Back
    1. Today, during class is ONLY time I will accept these.
  6. Work on your final review or, if you're exempt, work on something SCHOOL RELATED.  No YouTube.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 16, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)

  1. SAT Quiz #15
  2. Bell Work: Holiday Rant!  What bugs you about the holidays? 
  3. Work on your final review or, if you're exempt, work on something SCHOOL RELATED.  No YouTube.  
  4. Tomorrow:
    1. Bell Work Spirals will be due tomorrow.
    2. Exemptions will be announced tomorrow.
    3. Bring your "Get Out of Jail Free" cards and "Leave Me Alone" pass.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 15, Day 5
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)
  1. Grade Week 15 and Week 16 DRE
  2. Bell Work: Free Write!
  3. Final Exam Review...I will not know about exemptions until at least Monday...please don't ask.  
  4. FromWednesday:
    1. Fill out this form (Link to your Vocabulary and Literary Terms)
    2. Fill out this form (Free Rice Questions)
    3. Look at SkyWard, please send me an email with the links to any ZEROS that you have on there.  I will grade them, but they will be counted "late."
  5. Reminders:
    1. Make sure you have a non-fiction book picked out to read and begin reading it.  
    2. Your last SAT quiz of this six week will be Monday (20 prepared to know synonyms and use the word in a will not be easy.)
    3. Start locating your "Get Out of Jail Free" Cards and "Leave Me Alone" Pass...the buy-back day is coming up
    4. I need volunteers to help with the Godley Debate Tournament this Saturday, December 14th from 7am-5pm.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 15, Day 4
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)

  1. Bell Work: Free Write!
  2. Final Exam Review...I will not know about exemptions until at least Monday...please don't ask.  
  3. From yesterday:
    1. Fill out this form (Link to your Vocabulary and Literary Terms)
    2. Fill out this form (Free Rice Questions)
    3. Look at SkyWard, please send me an email with the links to any ZEROS that you have on there.  I will grade them, but they will be counted "late."
  4. Reminders:
    1. Make sure you have a non-fiction book picked out to read and begin reading it.  
    2. Your last SAT quiz of this six week will be next Monday.
    3. Start locating your "Get Out of Jail Free" Cards and "Leave Me Alone" Pass...the buy-back day is coming up
    4. I need volunteers to help with the Godley Debate Tournament this Saturday, December 14th from 7am-5pm.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 15, Day 3
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)

  1. Bell Work: Grade your Week 14 DRE
  2. Get Week 15 and W16 DRE and work on it
    1. Both are due THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!
  3. Fill out this form (Link to your Vocabulary and Literary Terms)
  4. Fill out this form (Free Rice Questions)
  5. Look at SkyWard, please send me an email with the links to any ZEROS that you have on there.  I will grade them, but they will be counted "late."
  6. Reminders:
    1. Make sure you have a non-fiction book picked out to read and begin reading it.  
    2. Your last SAT quiz of this six week will be next Monday.
    3. Start locating your "Get Out of Jail Free" Cards and "Leave Me Alone" Pass...the buy-back day is coming up
    4. I need volunteers to help with the Godley Debate Tournament this Saturday, December 14th from 7am-5pm.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Week 15, Day 2
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural), writing over drama.

  1. Bell Work: Free Write!  (At least 60 words and at least 2 SAT words)
  2. Read this article and take notes on it.  Think of the importance of reading non-fiction.  Do you look at non-fiction reading differently than fiction reading?
  3. Tomorrow we will grade our Week 14 DRE and get the Week 15 and 16 DRE.  
  4. Make sure you have a non-fiction book picked out to read and begin reading it.  
  5. Your last SAT quiz of this six week will be next Monday.
  6. I need volunteers to help with the Godley Debate Tournament this Saturday, December 14th from 7am-5pm.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Week 14, Day 3
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural), writing over drama.

  1. Bell Work: clear everything from your desk except a PEN and notebook paper.  
  2. Please make sure that the link to your Vocabulary and Literary Terms have been submitted  on this form.  (ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE ZEROS IN SKYWARD FOR THE VOCABULARY AND LITERARY TERMS!!!!)
  3. Begin working on The Crucible paragraph test. 
    1. Please remember that it must fully answer the question.  One or two sentences should NOT be sufficient.  
    2. While working: no phones, no headphones, no chrome books, and no internet.
    3. You may use your book and the outline or brainstorming ideas that you brought with you.  
    4. When done, staple it all together (including the outline/brainstorming) that you brought to class.  
    5. This is due by the end of class.  
  4. Be good for Mrs. Anglin. 
  5. If you were absent on Monday for the SAT Quiz, you will need to take it on Friday sometime (before school, during school, or after school.)
  6. Email or tweet me if you have any questions.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 14, Day 2
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)

  1. Bell Work: What are the three types of informational texts?  Explain expository and procedural texts...Look at the board.  No, you do not have to write 60 words and you do not have to use SAT words.
  2. Rice Paddies and Math Tests, plus more examples of non-fiction books
  3. More information about Informational Texts
  4. Look for Informational Texts you might like to read
    1. Search OPAC
    2. Search
    3. Search
  5. Reminder: 
    1. I won't be here tomorrow, but you will take your Paragraph Test for The Crucible.  Bring paper and pen.  You may bring a piece of paper with an outline or brainstorming ideas on it, but you may NOT have the entire answer on it.  You will have to work quickly and quietly because it will be due when the bell rings at the end of class tomorrow.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 14, Day 1
Objective: grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding; revising and editing; Comprehension of Informational Text (Expository and Procedural)

  1. Bell Work: study for your SAT Quiz #13
  2. SAT Quiz #13
  3. Work on Week 14 DRE
  4. The Crucible Paragraph Test details
  5. Informational Text Intro.