Week 32, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Bell Work: How did the Shattered Dreams program this week affect you? Do you find value in the program? Why or why not? (for the rest of the year, don't worry about a word minimum or using SAT words, unless I tell you otherwise.)
- Come up with questions to ask Dr. Dear on Thursday and Friday...please make sure you are asking questions that you can't just Google.
- Each group should have 3-5 questions to ask.
- Create a Google Doc with your group's questions
- Email it to me
- Perfect School Project
- Work with your group
- You should be working on the "Research" section by now
- I will have the due date for you tomorrow.
- Reminders:
- Be good for Mrs. Anglin.
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 32, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Discuss Shattered Dreams
- Plans for tomorrow and the rest of the week
- Perfect School Project
- Work with your group
- Come up with questions to ask Dr. Dear on Thursday and Friday
- Reminders:
- I won't be here tomorrow, be good for the sub.
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 32, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Week 32 DRE
- Read this blog post (If you weren't able to read it on Friday.)
- Perfect School Project
- Work with your group
- Shattered Dreams Discussion
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 31, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Grade Week 31 DRE
- Read this article and watch the video
- Read this blog post
- Perfect School Project
- Research questions to consider
- Teacher Appreciation Letters
- 4 HANDWRITTEN letters
- Use the correct letter format
- 4 daily grades
- Due Friday
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 31, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Perfect School Project
- Research questions to consider
- Teacher Appreciation Letters
- 4 HANDWRITTEN letters
- Use the correct letter format
- 4 daily grades
- Due Friday
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 31, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Bell Work: What are some good sources to use for the Perfect School Project?
- The Research Process Powerpoint
- Take notes
- Perfect School Project
- Research questions to consider
- Teacher Appreciation Letters
- 4 HANDWRITTEN letters
- Use the correct letter format
- 4 daily grades
- Due Friday
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 31, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Bell Work: Today is Earth Day. What are some activities that YOU could do or be a part of to help conserve our Earth and all the precious resources it has to offer?
- Drive by Dan Pink-animated video
- Perfect School Project
- Teacher Appreciation Letters
- 4 HANDWRITTEN letters
- Use the correct letter format
- 4 daily grades
- Due Friday
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 31, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Week 31 DRE
- Finish The Great Gatsby movie
- Perfect School Project
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
- Chapter 8 and 9 Corrections are due TODAY!
Week 30, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Watch The Great Gatsby movie
- Grade your Week 30 DRE
- Reminders:
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
- Chapter 8 and 9 Corrections are due Monday, April 21, 2014
Week 30, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Grade Chapter 8 Quiz
- Grade Chapter 9 Quiz
- Watch The Great Gatsby movie
- Reminders:
- Week 30 DRE will be due on THURSDAY this week.
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
- Chapter 8 and 9 Corrections are due Monday, April 21, 2014
Week 30, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Paragraph Test for The Great Gatsby
- Due at the end of class
- You may use your notes, your book, and your graded quizzes.
- If you finish early, you may read or play on FreeRice.com.
- Reminders:
- Week 30 DRE will be due on THURSDAY this week.
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 30, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Registration for next year
- Reminders:
- Paragraph test for The Great Gatsby tomorrow. Don't forget to bring your notes, your book, and your graded quizzes.
- If a textbook was checked out to you at the beginning of the year, you may bring it back to check it in.
Week 29, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Grade Week 29 DRE
- Chapter 9 Quiz
- Bell Work: Free Write
- Free Rice
- Essay Test Questions
- Reminders:
- Chapter 7 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TODAY (4/11/14).
- Monday you will have registration during my class for next year.
Week 29, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Read Chapter 9 and take notes
- The quiz for Chapter 9 is TOMORROW!
- You may go to YouTube and search "The Great Gatsby Chapter 9" and find an audio version of the chapter. Feel free to follow along with this as you read and fill out the quiz.
- Reminders:
- I'm at a training in Fort Worth today. Very excited to be here and learn some great things from Alan November!!!!
- Follow me on twitter today (@AvalosEnglish) for information about what I'm learning and hints to the quiz tomorrow.
- Be good for the sub.
- See you tomorrow!
- Corrections:
- Chapter 7 Gatsby Quiz corrections due FRIDAY (4/11/14).
Week 29, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Bell Work: Explain this quote: "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you." How does it apply to your generation and education. (Remember, 80 words and SAT words!)
- Grade Chapter 7 Quiz
- Read Chapter 8 and filling out the quiz
- The quiz for Chapter 8 is due today.
- You may go to YouTube and search "The Great Gatsby Chapter 8" and find an audio version of the chapter. Feel free to follow along with this as you read and fill out the quiz.
- Reminders:
- I will not be here tomorrow. You will read Chapter 9 on your own and take notes. You will have a quiz on Friday.
- Corrections:
- Chapter 6 Gatsby Quiz corrections due WEDNESDAY (4/9/14).
- Chapter 7 Gatsby Quiz corrections due FRIDAY (4/11/14).
Week 29, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Pick up Week 29 DRE
- Finish reading Chapter 7 and filling out the quiz
- If you don't finish today, it is homework.
- Chapter 7 Quiz is due on Wednesday.
- Omit #30 on the Chapter 7 Quiz.
- You may go to YouTube and search "The Great Gatsby Chapter 7" and find an audio version of the chapter. Feel free to follow along with this as you read and fill out the quiz.
- Begin reading Chapter 8 and filling out the quiz
- The Chapter 8 quiz will be due tomorrow at the end of class
- Reminders:
- Chapter 5 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TUESDAY (4/8/14).
- Chapter 6 Gatsby Quiz corrections due WEDNESDAY (4/9/14).
Week 29, Day 1
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Grade Chapter 6 Quiz
- Begin reading Chapter 7 and filling out the quiz
- We will read in class today and tomorrow. If you don't finish tomorrow, it will be homework.
- Chapter 7 Quiz is due on Wednesday.
- Reminders:
- Chapter 4 Gatsby Quiz corrections due MONDAY (4/7/14).
- Chapter 5 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TUESDAY (4/8/14).
- Chapter 6 Gatsby Quiz corrections due WEDNESDAY (4/9/14).
Week 28, Day 5
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Grade Week 28 DRE
- Grade Chapter 5 Quiz
- Bell Work: Free Write
- Finish reading Chapter 6 and filling out the quiz
- Reminders:
- Chapter 4 Gatsby Quiz corrections due MONDAY (4/7/14).
- Chapter 5 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TUESDAY (4/8/14)
- Gatsby Treasure Hunt was due on March 18, 2014. If you did NOT fill out the form on my blog, it must be filled out today by 4:00pm. PLEASE check SkyWard and see if you have a 0 on this assignment.
Week 28, Day 4
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- The Great Gatsby Chapter 5 Quiz
- Bell Work: Yesterday we watched the first half of the movie, explain to me the similarities and differences between the movie and the book, so far.
- Grade Chapter 4 Quiz
- Begin reading Chapter 6, as a class.
- Reminders:
- If you didn't take the Technology Survey yesterday, please do so ASAP.
ode: ZB8HU
- Chapter 3 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TODAY!!!!!
- Chapter 4 Gatsby Quiz corrections due MONDAY!!!!
Week 28, Day 3
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- The Great Gatsby movie, part I
- Homework: Read Chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby
- Quiz tomorrow
- Technology Survey:
- Avalos 3rd period: do the survey while you are watching the movie.
- All English III students: Sometime today, please take this technology survey, if you haven't already done so.
- Code: ZB8HU
- Reminders:
- Chapter 3 Gatsby Quiz corrections due TOMORROW
Week 28, Day 2
Objective: recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.
- Bell Work: Today is April Fool's Day. Write about the best April Fool's joke you have ever played on someone, the best joke played on you, or write about a joke you would like to play on someone.
- The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 Quiz
- Begin reading Chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby
- Reminders:
- Chapter 3 Gatsby Quiz corrections due THURSDAY.