Week 32, Day 5
Objective: Serial Podcast-Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Making Inferences.
- Put your cell phone face down on your desk. Close your Chrome Book.
- Week 28/32 SAT Quiz
- Grade W32 DRE
- Listen to Serial Podcast
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Teacher Appreciation Letters are due TODAY by 4:00pm.
Week 32, Day 4
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Movie
- Put your cell phone face down on your desk. Close your Chrome Book.
- Begin watching the movie: Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Next SAT Quiz will be TOMORROW. It will be over Weeks 24-26.
- W32 DRE will be tomorrow.
- Teacher Appreciation Letters are due tomorrow at 4:00pm.
Week 32, Day 3
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Test and Teacher Appreciation Letters
- Put your cell phone face down on your desk. Get out your Twelve Angry Men Review sheet and a blue or black pen.
- Twelve Angry Men Test
- Work on Teacher Appreciation Letters
- Write 4 letters
- Must be handwritten, in blue or black ink
- Due Friday by 4:00pm
- These will be worth FOUR daily grades.
- I have a list of the teachers/staff on this campus.
- Use correct letter format! (see the board for an example)
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Next SAT Quiz will be FRIDAY of this week. It will be over Weeks 24-26. I'm not here tomorrow, so I moved the quiz to Friday.
- W32 DRE will be due on Friday.
Week 32, Day 2
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Review and Teacher Appreciation Letters
- Turn in your Reflection Questions
- Twelve Angry Men Review Sheet-Test tomorrow
- Teacher Appreciation Letters
- Write 4 letters
- Must be handwritten, in blue or black ink
- Due Friday by 4:00pm
- These will be worth FOUR daily grades.
- I have a list of the teachers/staff on this campus.
- Use correct letter format! (see the board for an example)
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Next SAT Quiz on Wednesday of this week. It will be over Weeks 24-26.
- W32 DRE will be due on Friday.
Week 32, Day 1
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Drama
- Vote for Teacher of the Year.
- Reflection Questions -HOMEWORK
- Due tomorrow.
- Write in COMPLETE SENTENCES, and use pen!
- Hopefully finish reading Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Next SAT Quiz on Wednesday of this week. It will be over Weeks 24-26.
- W32 DRE will be due on Friday.
Week 31, Day 4
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Drama
- Do this survey.
- Turn in W31 DRE.
- W27/31 SAT Quiz
- Continue reading Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No school on Friday.
Week 31, Day 3
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Drama
- Change of plans...Class Discussion today!
- Paradox Essay
- My Ethics, My Codes of Life Essay
- Reminders/Announcements:
- W31 DRE is due tomorrow.
- SAT Quiz will be tomorrow.
- No school on Friday.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 1 day this week on Serial Podcast: Season One.
Week 31, Day 2
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Drama
- Continue reading Act I of Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- SAT Quiz on Wednesday over Week 23-Week 26.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 1 day this week on Serial Podcast: Season One.
Week 31, Day 1
Objective: Serial Podcast-Critical Listening, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
- W31 DRE
- Begin reading Act I of Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- SAT Quiz on Wednesday over Week 23-Week 26.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 1 day this week on Serial Podcast: Season One.
Week 30, Day 5
Objective: Serial Podcast-Critical Listening, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking
- Grade W29 and W30 DRE
- Finish Episode 2 of Serial Podcast
- Begin Episode 3 of Serial Podcast
- Pass back graded papers. Corrections are due Monday, if you want them to be counted for this six weeks.
- Reminders/Announcements:
- Next week's SAT Quiz will be over Week 23-Week 26.
- We will spend 3 days each week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 2 days each week on Serial Podcast: Season One.
Week 30, Day 4
Objective: Twelve Angry Men Vocab. and Serial Podcast
- Appetizer: Get ready for your Twelve Angry Men Vocab. Quiz
- Twelve Angry Men Vocab. Quiz
- Begin Episode 2 of Serial Podcast
- Reminders/Announcements:
- W29 AND W30 DRE will be due tomorrow.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 2 days this week on Serial Podcast: Season One.
Week 30, Day 3
Objective: Twelve Angry Men
- Appetizer: Get ready for your SAT Quiz
- Week 26 SAT Quiz
- Begin reading Twelve Angry Men
- Reminders/Announcements:
- W29 AND W30 DRE will be due on Friday.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 2 days this week on Serial Podcast: Season One
Week 30, Day 2
Objective: Twelve Angry Men
- Appetizer: Turn in your Writing About Your Opinion Paper here
- Create a document and name it Twelve Angry Men Notes.
- We will take some notes to prepare for reading the play!
- Vocabulary Notes
- Character Notes
- Reminders/Announcements:
- SAT Quiz on Wednesday of this week (Weeks 22-26).
- W29 AND W30 DRE will be due on Friday.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 2 days this week on Serial Podcast: Season One
Week 30, Day 1
Objective: Twelve Angry Men
- Appetizer: Get and begin working on the W29 and W30 DRE
- Read the document Writing About Your Opinion
- Complete the assignment
- Reminders/Announcements:
- SAT Quiz on Wednesday of this week (Weeks 22-26).
- W29 AND W30 DRE will be due on Friday.
- We will spend 3 days this week on Twelve Angry Men I by Reginald Rose.
- We will spend 2 days this week on Serial Podcast: Season One
Week 29,Day 5
Objective: Critical Listening, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking
- Continue Serial-Season 1 Podcast
- Finish Episode 1
- 4th period-start at 24:56
- 7th period-start at 24:20
- 8th period-start at 24:56
- Other things to know...
- True Story
- No phones, no chrome books
- Just listen
Week 29,Day 4
Objective: Critical Listening, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking
- Plan for the rest of the year
- SAT Quizzes and DREs will resume next week.
- Begin Serial-Season 1 Podcast
- True Story
- No phones, no chrome books
- Just listen
Week 29,Day 3
Objective: World War II literature
- Finish watching All Quiet on the Western Front movie
Week 29,Day 2
Objective: World War II literature
- Continue watching All Quiet on the Western Front movie
Week 29,Day 1
Objective: World War II literature
- Continue watching All Quiet on the Western Front movie
Week 28,Day 5
Objective: World War II literature
- Begin watching All Quiet on the Western Front movie
Week 28,Day 4
Objective: EOC
- Study Hall
- No SAT Quiz this week!
Week 28,Day 3
Objective: EOC Prep
- Last minute tips/tricks for STAAR-English EOC
- Pep Rally for Success! Kick that test's butt!!!! (figuratively, of course!)
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No SAT Quiz this week!
- STAAR EOC English II Test-Thursday, March 31
Week 28,Day 2
Objective: EOC Prep
- Last minute tips/tricks for STAAR-English EOC
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No SAT Quiz this week!
- STAAR EOC English I Test-TODAY!
- STAAR EOC English II Test-Thursday, March 31
Week 28,Day 1
Objective: EOC Prep
- Last minute tips/tricks for STAAR-English EOC
- Reminders/Announcements:
- No SAT Quiz this week!
- STAAR EOC English I Test-Tuesday, March 29
- STAAR EOC English II Test-Thursday, March 31