Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday, April 30

  • Grade Chapter 6 Study Guide
  • Begin reading Chapter 7
  • You'll receive the study guide for Chapters 7-9 tomorrow.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday, April 27
  • Juniors-Exit-Level Social Studies TAKS
  • Continue Chapter 6 (hopefully, finish)
  • Continue Study Guide (hopefully, finish)--due Monday
  • Make sure you have turned in your Teacher Appreciation Letters from LAST Friday.  Several people still have zeros for them.  
  • Free Rice

Thursday, April 26
  • Juniors-Exit-Level Science TAKS
  • Continue Chapter 6
  • Continue Study Guide

Wednesday, April 25
  • Juniors-Exit-Level Math TAKS
  • Begin reading Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby
  • Chapter 6 Study Guide-due Monday

Tuesday, April 24
  • Juniors and Seniors-late arrival at 11am
  • Finish watching first 1/2 of The Great Gatsby movie

Monday, April 23
  • Watch first 1/2 of The Great Gatsby movie

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 20
  • Bell Work:  Today is the "anniversary" of the Columbine school shooting, which happened on April 20, 1999.  Free Write about it.
  • Go over letters
  • Read Chapter 5
  • Create a copy of this Google Doc and work on it for Chapter 5, it may be a quiz grade.  
  • Free Rice cut off is 4:00pm today.  
  • If you have borrowed one of my books from my classroom library, please return it as soon as possible.  I have 52 books missing.  :(

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday, April 19
  • Bell Work: Clear your desk of everything but a blue or black ink pen.
  • Retake Chapter 4 Quiz--grade from yesterday and today will be averaged together.  
  • Read Chapter 5
  • Reminders: 

    • Letters due tomorrow
    • Turn in signed schedule request for next year
    • Pay library fines and turn books in

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday, April 18
  • Bell Work:  "There never was a good war or a bad peace."  Benjamin Franklin, Is this true?  Mention specific examples--past, present, or both--to support your point of view.
  • Chapter 4 Quiz of The Great Gatsby
  • Read Chapter 5 together
  • Remember: 4 Letters of Appreciation due Friday!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17

  • Bell Work:  First 10 minutes of class...finish reading Chapter 4, if you didn't finish yesterday.  Turn in your Chapter 4 questions.  (Either share with me via Google Docs or turn it into the tray)

  • Discuss Chapter 4--Quiz tomorrow

  • Letters of Appreciation Assignment--Due Friday

    • Pick 4 teachers/staff members on the Godley High School Campus (see Mrs. Avalos's list)

    • Write each of them a heartfelt letter of thanks/appreciation

    • As of right now, there is no "minimum" number of sentences, it just has to be sincere.  If you are eloquent with words and can accomplish that with 3 sentences, great!  But if you need 10 sentences, that's completely fine too! 

    • Think about the teachers or staff members who has made a difference in your life, who has helped you, been there for you, etc.

    • It should be in the correct letter format.

    • Typed letters will not be permitted.  Personal letters should always be handwritten.

    • This will count as 4 daily grades...due Friday!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, April 16

  • No Bell Work are welcome!  :-)
  • 6th Six Weeks...but there are actually 7 weeks...
    • Remember, on MOST things this seven weeks, you can pick whether you want to go paperless and use the Chrome book, or use paper.  SOME assignments will only be available on the Chrome book, SOME assignments will only be available on paper.  
  • Read Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby on your own
  • Question Assignment:
    • Write out 5 questions for Chapter 4.  These should be questions that you would like on the quiz, if you were to make it up.  Please also answer the questions.  
    • Questions for Chapter 4 due tomorrow.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday, April 13

1. Bell Work: Free Write

2. Donations

3. Free Rice Announcements

  • Every 10,000 grains of rice you donate in my group each six weeks earns you a free homework pass.  Good for a free 100 on any daily assignment.  Or you may do 35,000 for a free 100 on a TEST grade.  All rice starting today, goes toward the 6th six weeks.  If you are not signed-in to my group, it WILL NOT count.  
  • I've also added "Literature" and "SAT Prep" to the subjects you can do to earn rice in my group.  Good Luck!  
  • CONTEST!!!!!!!!!  TOP CLASS!!!!!!!

4. Gatsby Reading Schedule

5. Free Rice or Free Read (SILENTLY!!!!)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday, April 12

Bell Work:  Write about a time when you were tricked or lied to.

Quiz #2 over The Great Gatsby chapters 2 and 3

Free Rice...I MUST see activity on your Free Rice account for today, otherwise you will get a 0 for participation today.  Make sure you are signed-in to my group.  

Every 10,000 grains of rice you donate in my group each six weeks earns you a free homework pass.  Good for a free 100 on any daily assignment.  Or you may do 35,000 for a free 100 on a TEST grade.  All rice starting today, goes toward the 6th six weeks.  If you are not signed-in to my group, it will not count.  

I've also added "Literature" and "SAT Prep" to the subjects you can do to earn rice in my group.  Good Luck!  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday, April 11

  1. Create a new Google Doc titled 6th Six Weeks Bell Work
  2. Bell Work:  You have been given the task of creating journal-writing assignments for next year.  Create at least 5 topics.
  3. Finish reading Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby
  4. Quiz over Chapter 2 & 3 tomorrow.  Bring a pen.  

Tuesday, April 10

  1. No Bell Work
  2. Begin reading Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wednesday, April 4

1. Bell Work: Share your bell work google doc with me.  Please share it with "Chelsea Avalos," not the one with your class number.  Also, please do not notify me via email.  

2. SAT WoD

3. Finish reading Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby.  Take notes.

Tuesday, April 3

1. Bell Work:  Capital punishment is or is not justified.  Take a stance and defend it.  

2. Do your bell work from yesterday, if you didn't already do it.

3. SAT WoD

4. Reminders
  • Bell Work due tomorrow.  Share with me via Google Docs.  Do not send me the email notification.
  • Turn in your paper to Mrs. Avalos.

5. Read Chapter 2 on your own, take notes.  Be ready for a quiz next Tuesday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, April 2

1. Bell Work:  Yesterday was April Fool's Day.  Write about the best April Fool's joke you have ever played, or write about a joke you would like to play on someone.  (School appropriate)

2. SAT WoD

3. Announcements:

  • Those that have not taken the Gatsby Quiz #1, need to by Wednesday
  • Bell Work Spiral due Wednesday
  • All grades in SkyWard are up to date
  • Quiz curve

4. Mrs. Chiselbrook and Mrs. Allen doing scheduling