Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 12, Day 5
Objective: analyze the themes and characters in different periods of modern American drama

  1. Grade W12 DRE
  2. Bell Work: FREE WRITE!  (60 least 2 SAT words!)
  3. Fill out this form
  4. Work on and finish
    1. Act III Vocabulary
    2. Act III Literary Terms
    3. Act III Study Guide
    4. SAT Quiz #11 Corrections
  5. If you finish with everything, you may begin working on Act IV Vocabulary and Literary Terms (due next Friday, November 22nd)
    1. Literary Terms (p. 1216)
      1. Tragedy
      2. Tragic Hero
      3. Tragic Flaw
      4. Allegory
    2. Vocabulary (p. 1216)
      1. Conciliatory
      2. Beguile
      3. Retaliation
      4. Adamant
      5. Cleave
      6. Tantalized
  6. Reminders:
    1. W12 SAT Quiz on Monday...synonyms and sentences will be on there!  (Only 40 words...Weeks 8-11)

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