Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Week 2, Day 3
Objective: Students create a Literary Period Timeline in order to demonstrate familiarity with works by authors in American fiction from each major literary period.  

  1. Bell Work: What is the importance of understanding the historical context of what we read? (At least 40 words, try to use two SAT words, and underline every 10th word...please and thank you!!)
  2. Discuss bell work
  3. Don't forget that the Strategies for Unlocking Word Meaning Worksheet is due by 4:00pm today.  Important note: you may skip #11 and #13...I forgot that those were on there.  We will discuss this when I get back in October.  Sorry about that!!!!
    1. Turn it in here 
  4. American Literature Time Period Research
    1. Form groups of 2-3 and pick a time period to research
      1. Native American Literature
      2. Puritan/Colonial Literature
      3. American Revolution Literature
      4. American Romanticism Literature
      5. American Gothic Literature
      6. Transcendentalism Literature
      7. American Realism Literature
      8. American Naturalism Literature
      9. American Modernism Literature
      10. Harlem Renaissance Literature
      11. American Contemporary Literature
    2. Make a copy of American Literature Timeline
    3. It may be smart for one person in each group to make a copy and then share with your group.  
    4. Record your research there, but only in the LEFT column.  We will use the right column later.  
    5. We will come together tomorrow and present what you find
    6. Information that you may want to consider: dates of the time period, characteristics of the literature from that time period, noteworthy authors of the time period, major works of the time period, important historical events of the time period, etc.  The textbook has a wealth of information in it!  If you use the internet, please list the websites that you use to obtain your information (citation.)

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