Monday, January 5, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week 17, Day 2
recognize distinctive and shared characteristics of cultures through reading; understand cultural background to literary texts, grade level vocabulary, and listening for understanding.

  1. Welcome back!  Happy New Year!!!!!!  I hope you're looking forward to an AWESOME 2015!!!!!!!!!    
  2. Bell Work: fill out this form "Highlights of 2014 and Looking Forward to 2015"
  3. Discuss Bell Work
  4. Go to
    1. Log-in and join my class (Avalos English III)
    2. If you don't remember your username/password, look on your document.
    3. If you never did this, create an account.
  5. Week 17 SAT words are on the wall and the quizlet link is on here under the tab "SAT Words of the Week"
    1. Please study and LEARN these ten words this week.  I promise it will make the weekly task of studying for the SAT quizzes much less daunting!  (Come on, would I lie to you about this?!?!)
  6. Week 17 DRE (due Friday)
  7. Homework:
    1. Create a list of books you want to read this year. (minimum of 5)
    2. Create a list of GOALS you want to achieve this year.  They must be SMART goals!  (minimum of 5)
      • SMART Goals are
        • Specific
        • Measurable
        • Attainable
        • Realistic
        • Timely
  8. Tomorrow:
    1. Goals
    2. Books
    3. Intro to Non-Fiction (Expository, Procedural, and Persuasive) text

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